Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Over the hump!

It is Wednesday, halfway done with the week. Yeah! On Sunday, I got to spend some time sewing. I worked on quilting a small wallhanging that will be a gift. I did not get it completed but made great headway with it. I think I will be able to finish it this weekend. I will also try to get some pictures posted at that time.
We have more snow! I absolutely HATE snow!! I am tired of trudging through it, wiping it off the car and looking at it! I know my husband is tired of shoveling it!I am anxiously awaiting spring. (spring break too!!!)
I envy those of you who live in areas where you don't get snow. Aaah, that is my goal someday!


  1. I love to watch the first snow coming down, blanketing the ground with a fluffy covering.....after that....not so much. I am really tired of the cold. We haven't had too much snow but the cold is bone chilling. I too am looking forward to Spring.

  2. Come to England! We have rain, wind, rain, wind, rain, wind, rain, wind and just to keep us guessing, sleet, wind, snow, sleet, wind, snow, and then more rain, rain, rain, rain - well (no pun intended!) you get the idea!!!!! Now is the age of Global Weirding (forget global warming!)
