Saturday, January 22, 2011

No Time!!!

Oh, will this month ever end??? I don't have any time for sewing this month. School is crazy! We have science fair and open house coming up and I am the science fair coordinator so it is up to me to find all the judges, have all the paperwork ready, make sure I have someone to take care of the judges, provide treats for the judges, etc. On top of that, I have my own class to prepare not only for the science fair but their other projects that need to be out for open house. This is a huge marketing time for us so it is important to have everything looking fabulous. Plus, I am on the marketing committee so I have to make sure flyers get out to the places they need to be. And on top of all this, I am now part of the OCS Social Studies curriculum group and we are rewriting the social studies curriculum using core standards. Not just for my school, this is for the whole archdiocese of Chicago. Yeah, I am tired just thinking about it all!!
Now add to all this the fact that our ejector pump failed in our lower level and we got sewage back up. Now we have to have parts of walls replaced, trim replaced, flooring replaced, etc. The room looks like a disaster area right now!! The clean up is done, but the repair work hasn't even begun. We are just gathering estimates. UGH!!
I would rather be trying to decide what kind of fabric to use to make my next quilt, or work on making a new bag. But no time for that right now!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lizard on Felt

I actually finished this felt quilt last weekend but I didn't get a chance to take a picture and get it up here till now. I like the way it looks and feels and i think I will be doing more with felt and wool.
You can see the quilting I did on the purple back. I like how the lizard stands out on his own.

Today I completed a tote bag for my principal. She liked the Los Santos print that I used for a bag that I gave the secretary for her birthday present and asked if she could have one too. I had enough scraps left so I sewed that up today. I didn't take a picture of it but it looks like this one.

Of course, my post wouldn't be complete without a picture of my "helper." Or should I say "supervisor." Yeah, he's sleeping on the job!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Back to Work!

I have piddling around with a lizard wallhanging that I wanted to try on felt, but I am not happy with my color selections. They are definitely not bright enough. I am not sure if I will continue on with this or abandon it and move on to something else. Since school has started it is hard to sew during the week. I am so tired when I get home that I don't really do much. I have all my lesson plans done for next week already, so I am hoping to do some sewing this weekend. Perhaps I'll have some interesting things to show.
My newly opened etsy site has gotten traffic but no sales yet. Hmmm...
I also received in the mail a new book I ordered. This book, The Bag Making Bible, is supposed to be awesome if you are interested in making bags. I'll let you know how it works out!